
Cold-water marine fish are the richest in Omega-3 due to their consumption of many marine plants, especially unicellular seaweed from phytoplankton, which contain Omega-3 fatty acid in its simplest form.

Omega-3 is a beneficial fat with anti-inflammatory properties. This substance helps prevent cellular damage that can trigger the development of cancer.

Additionally, it plays a crucial role in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which contribute to the formation of fatty plaques in the arteries. This action promotes arterial health, preventing conditions such as heart attacks, arrhythmias, heart failure, and strokes.

Consuming foods rich in Omega-3 can also help reduce blood sugar levels and improve insulin resistance, which is particularly relevant in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, increasing Omega-3 intake can protect brain cells, ensuring proper brain function. Since 60% of the human brain is composed of fat, including Omega-3, its deficiency can result in reduced cognitive and memory capacity.

In relation to the skin, Omega-3 is an essential component of cells, maintaining the health of the cell membrane and promoting smooth, hydrated, and wrinkle-free skin. Additionally, its antioxidant effect protects the skin from sun damage, which can lead to skin cancer and premature aging.

Consuming foods rich in Omega-3 offers a range of other benefits, including combating asthma, strengthening the immune system, preventing Alzheimer's disease, controlling attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and maintaining eye health.

We recommend canned fish rich in Omega-3, such as Sardines, Salmon, Tuna, Sea Bass, and Mackerel Fillets.